Global Arts Language Arts Culture Tradition Indigenous Communities

Monday, July 2, 2018

Lesson Plans: Group 2

GALACTIC Group 2 Lesson Plans

The course wants to emphasize overall reflexivity and critical thinking. We want the students to gain the tools to think deeply about social justice issues and how they can make a difference as a global citizen. By gaining a toolkit of these skills, we can empower them to foster sustaining change through art once they leave the Balfour GALACTIC program for the summer.

Monday: Introduction/Intersectionality

   Intersectionality (framework to understand how each person is a complex global citizen within larger systems of oppression that create an atmosphere for labor trafficking and more. A focus on systems helps people understand that issues are bigger than themselves - moves beyond the personal.)
   Social justice advocacy (what can global citizens offer by changing the actions and minds of their peers)
-Ground rules
   How to disagree
-Short Video + Short Discussion (6-8 min. video//15-20 mins total)
-PowerPoint (15-20 mins) (Migration vs. Trafficking)
   Teresa HJ will use the questions below to briefly educate the students about the issue and create the framing for the course overall as a precursor to their art development. The PowerPoint will emphasize that students reflect on their assumptions especially regarding the socioeconomic status, racial, and regional backgrounds of the affected individuals.
What is trafficking? How is it different from migration? Who does trafficking affect? How is food involved? What does identity and global citizenry have to do with labor trafficking? How can we raise awareness about the issue? How can we learn to combat trafficking through art? How does border crossing and dehumanization fit into the current understandings of trafficking?
   Mary Claire
     What, where, how images reflect stereotypes
Here we will look at a couple UNICEF Videos and think about how persons in videos are being depicted, who is given agency/ brainstorm about what agency looks like.
Links for images:
-Journals (reflections, write down creative ideas, and brainstorm for final project)

Objects Needed for Monday: Powerpoint Projector with sound, Journals for Students.

Tuesday: Agency & Representation/Artistic Voices

-Fair Trade
   What is it?
-Critical thinking (how to analyze photos)
Teresa will share the Google doc of a handout that can be adapted for this format. Found on a history website for high school teachers.
-How do images communicate: on the agency of images
Guest Speaker Middle Way House
-Media: truth and lies
     Ethical Representation
-Journal (reflections and brainstorming)
Objects Needed for Tuesday: Possibly PPT w/ Sound, or objects in Lilly. Pencils for students to use with Journals since Lilly does not allow for pen.

Wednesday: Bridging Activism & the Arts
(Knowledge Creation)

-Speaker Charlotte Mikat-Stevens (Forced Labor Law and Policy Research Fellow, Martinez Aguilasocho & Lynch, APLC)
Interview about activism. What do they do? How do you make people care? Methods? Student questions.
-Discuss the differences between fair trade and alternatives
Examples of Culture, art, and activism mixed together
**Example to help students explore the concept: Protests against Starbucks about the origin of their coffee beans vs. Dolores Huerta and her activism regarding grapes & grape picking
*Urge the student to think about who is involved in their coffee creation every step of the way
-Finding a voice
     How to do it
     Creativing writing
     Brainstorm adjectives
     Who are you? How are you a global citizen? How do you want your story told? How can your words empower others? Place yourself in another person’s shoes.
***use these ideas to write 1-2 sentences or lines for a poem that will work together to develop a story. This story will be read at the final presentation to reinforce the importance of each person’s perspective which will communicate that without each person, the story doesn’t make sense. In other words, all people need to work together to foster meaningful change.
-Rough draft in journal (art creation)
Examples: songs, art (drawings), short stories, performance pieces, plans for collages
Start with creating a Tweet (on paper) with 140 characters or less to express themselves. Then, use their art forms to expand on those thoughts.
-Give them manifestos to take home for inspiration

Supplies: PPT, printed copies of manifestos

Thursday: Framing the Project and its Creation
(Knowledge Creation)

*Work on pieces individually to think about how their voice matters and what their voice offers.
-Begin project
Use previous notes and reflections to start cultivating manifestos, poems, visual art, etc. with materials
-Determine how the project will be presented at the banquet (likely will read the poem or story that they created the day before)
Facilitators will help clean up the wording while students work on their art projects and begin to figure out the common themes among the individual writing samples.
-Start to assemble the vertical collage

Friday: Finalizing the Project and Presentation
(Knowledge Creation)

*Think about how their work fits together and creates a larger conversation.
-Finish Project and Practice the Presentation
-Finalize placement of the collage pieces
-Reflect on their toolkit

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