Global Arts Language Arts Culture Tradition Indigenous Communities

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Multicultural Exploration of Gender and its Inequities (Group 4)

Course Description: In this workshop, students will learn to understand the complex role 
and impact of gender. They will learn how gender and gender roles are performed differently
 among individuals and societies. And, they will identify how inequities develop from gender
 norms within societies. Students will also observe how inequities vary within genders, depending on 
factors such as race and class.


  1. Hi Group 4, Thanks so much for this post. One minor point and then a few suggestions:
    1. the formatting for the course description is strange - I would ask Shareef for Help.
    2. Title -- consider including the word global and something about art in your title.
    3. the language of the description is very graduate school academic - can you try to make it more inviting
    and exciting for a high school junior/senior.
    4. The description does not contain anything about the global. Also language like "students will observe" makes them into passive observers rather than active participants. It is a GREAT course - now let your excitement shine through. Needs a language tweak.
    5. And finally - be more specific about the art forms - what art forms will be part of your course. let students know what to expect. various art forms doesn't communicate what will take place.

  2. Hi all, we've updated our description and title in a new post because I couldn't modify this one and I didn't want to add the new stuff in a comment. Bop on over to Group 4 and let us know how our overview sounds/feels -- we tried to make it more informal and appeal directly to the students reading it, but we can obviously change the "you" back to "students." Thank you!

  3. I didn't know whether the students would be looking at the course description, so I mostly outlined the goals of the course here. But I agree. This will probably just be a small portion for students to see what they'll learn.
